Gentle Homeschooling

I named my business The Gentle Learning Company (my old website name before I switched everything to STAR Homeschool) with this picture in mind: Mothers snuggling with their children and reading beautiful literature and poetry, studying carefully crafted art pieces, reading God’s Word, and listening to classical music together.  Can you see it? It’s a … Read more

Using Gather ‘Round units with the STAR Homeschool reading plans

I first heard of Gather ‘Round two years ago, at the beginning of the school year. I was at a Creation & Worldview class with my girls (taught by the creator of Jonathan Park, Pat Roy—what a cool opportunity!). I introduced myself to a mom who was sitting on the floor at the back of the … Read more

Planning your homeschool schedule (with a really cool spreadsheet)

Homeschool planning shouldn’t be stressful, overwhelming or complicated. I’ve created the STAR reading plans with families like yours in mind. The reading plans follow four cycles of history, science, enrichment, and so many other subjects. All children in the family will be following the same timeline, the same artist, composer, poet, habits, life skills, and … Read more