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Cycle 4 Science & Nature: Weather Form 5+

STAR Homeschool Cycle 4 Science and Nature

Family Read Aloud Books or Independent Reading

Sabbath Mood High School Weather

This book is scheduled at a pace of one to two lessons per week. An additional book is needed for this curriculum: The Secret World of Weather by Tristan Gooley.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 4 History Form 4+

Cycle 4 History

This is the independent reading schedule for students in Forms IV, V and VI. Forms IV, V and VI are students in grades 9 through 12. In a smaller community, all Form IV, V & VI students meet together and use the following schedule.

Reading is only part of the learning process. Make sure your Form IV, V or VI student is practicing the following:

  • Narration: sometimes spoken and sometimes written
  • Studying Maps: look at the locations mentioned in the history books and draw and label maps
  • Keeping a timeline, or, book of centuries

And last, students should be discussing these topics with others. This can be with other teens and a tutor in a community, or it can be with mom and/or dad at home.

Do not be tempted to waste time on quizzes, word finds, crossword puzzles with history vocabulary words or other work that might be deemed twaddle. Encourage your child to read these good books, keep a detailed timeline book, draw maps (as beautifully as she can), to write some narration passages about what she learned, and to discuss all of these things.

Growth of the British Empire by M.B. Synge

This is the last book in the Story of the World series by M.B. Synge. This book is scheduled at a pace of three chapters per week for the first two terms (fourteen weeks).

You can download the pdf here:

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Cycle 4 Survival Reading Form 4+

Cycle 4 Habit Training

Form 4 and 5 students at STAR read all of the following books and also do independent study about survival. You can download the pdf schedule below.

The Walls Around Us by David Owen 

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week from Week 1 through Week 9.

Ten Acres Enough by Edmund Morris

This book is scheduled at a pace of one to two chapters per week from Week 10 through Week 26.

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon 

This book is scheduled at a pace of about twenty to twenty-five pages per week through all twenty-eight weeks.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 4 Apologetics Form 5+

Cycle 4 Apologetics Form 4

Students in our Form 5 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

Scroll down to see the list of books and download the attached reading schedule in PDF format.

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 

This book is scheduled at a pace of one to two chapters per week for all twenty-eight weeks.

  • Amazon (paperback, Audible, Kindle, hardcover)

Jesus’ Family Tree: Seeing God’s Faithfulness in the Genealogy of Christ by Rose Publishing

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week from week 1 through week 12.

Radical by David Platt 

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week from week 13 through week 21.

  • Amazon (paperback,Kindle, Audible, audio CD)

Eternity in their Hearts by Don Richardson

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week from week 22 through week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

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Cycle 4 Form 5+ Bible

Cycle 4 Bible

Saviour of the World Volume V by Charlotte Mason

Saviour of the World Volume VI by Charlotte Mason

 Saviour of the World Volume VII by Charlotte Mason

These books are such a fabulous resource! Charlotte Mason herself wrote seven volumes of poetry about God’s Holy Word! I recommend that students read these poetry and then also find and read the Scripture passage that the poem references.

These books are scheduled at a pace of one or two chapters per week for all twenty eight weeks. This series is read over the course of the six years students will spend in Forms 4 and 5. Form 4 readings are repeated (Cycle 1 and 3 are the same and Cycle 2 and 4 are the same) because a student will only spend two years in Form 4 (seventh and eighth grades). Then, the Form 5 readings move on from there, with Cycle 1 beginning with Volume III and Cycle 4 ending with Volume VII (students will start with chapter LVIII of Volume V in this cycle, and finish it off and then they will also get through all of Volume VI and Volume VII in this cycle). There is no harm in jumping in to whatever volume is scheduled for the year, even if a student did not read the previous volume.

You can download the pdf here:

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Cycle 3 Apologetics & Worldview Form 5

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Students in our Form 5 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

Scroll down to see the list of books and download the attached individual reading schedules in PDF format as well as a reading schedule that includes all of the books.

Schedule 1:

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

You can download the pdf here:

Schedule 2:

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week for twenty-two weeks.

  • Amazon paperback, hardcover or Kindle

The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Survive in a Post-Christian Culture? by Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

This book is scheduled at a pace of two chapters per week from Week 23 through Week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Apologetics and Worldview Form 4+

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Students in our Form 4 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

There are currently only two reading plans for Form 4 Apologetics, so the reading plans for Cycles 1 and 3 are the same, and so are the plans for Cycles 2 and 4, with one exception: the topics in Fearless Apologetics. The apologetics reading schedules really take every Form through the same apologetics question at the same time, but using books at their own level. Fearless Apologetics is the core text that Form 4 and 5 students will use every year to get through these topics. 

Students will come across a topic more than once over their education, but they will use different resources, and the hope is that their own brain would begin to make some beautiful connections.

Scroll down to see the list of books, and download the pdf for the reading schedule.

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week for the first thirteen weeks.

A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George OR A Young Man After God’s Own Heart by Jim George

These books are scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week, beginning in week 15 and ending week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂