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Cycle 3 Apologetics & Worldview Form 5

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Students in our Form 5 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

Scroll down to see the list of books and download the attached individual reading schedules in PDF format as well as a reading schedule that includes all of the books.

Schedule 1:

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

You can download the pdf here:

Schedule 2:

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week for twenty-two weeks.

  • Amazon paperback, hardcover or Kindle

The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Survive in a Post-Christian Culture? by Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

This book is scheduled at a pace of two chapters per week from Week 23 through Week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Apologetics and Worldview Form 4+

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Students in our Form 4 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

There are currently only two reading plans for Form 4 Apologetics, so the reading plans for Cycles 1 and 3 are the same, and so are the plans for Cycles 2 and 4, with one exception: the topics in Fearless Apologetics. The apologetics reading schedules really take every Form through the same apologetics question at the same time, but using books at their own level. Fearless Apologetics is the core text that Form 4 and 5 students will use every year to get through these topics. 

Students will come across a topic more than once over their education, but they will use different resources, and the hope is that their own brain would begin to make some beautiful connections.

Scroll down to see the list of books, and download the pdf for the reading schedule.

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week for the first thirteen weeks.

A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George OR A Young Man After God’s Own Heart by Jim George

These books are scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week, beginning in week 15 and ending week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Apologetics and Worldview, Forms 1, 2 and 3, or, Whole Family

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Besides Bible, Apologetics is the most important subject we study.

Forms 1, 2, and 3 Read Aloud:

The Ology by Marty Machowski

This is the book that we read aloud during Cycle 3 to Form 1, 2 and 3 students at STAR Homeschool Community throughout the school year.

This is a lovely devotional book that can really be read aloud to the whole family and discussed with each child at their own level.

“At Home” Readings for families who participate in a community

Note that the “At Home” readings on this pdf do not include the entire book, because some of the lessons are read in community. If you would like to read through the whole book, read one extra lesson per week.

You can download the pdf here:

“At Home” and “In Class” Readings

This schedule includes all of the readings. If you do not participate in a community, you can simply go through all of these assignments at home.

You can download the pdf here:

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism by Starr Meade (year 3 of 4)

This book is scheduled over all four cycles and finishes up in Cycle 4, in Week 23. You can really jump in to this book at any time. Each week is focused on of of the Shorter Catechism questions. There are readings each day of the week that go along with the questions.

This is a great read aloud for Form 2 and up.

I am a big fan of using music for memory work (see the Bible Memory project on this site!), and I recommend using some music to memorize these catechism questions. Try Holly Dutton’s work, Brian Sauve’s albums, or Colin Buchanan’s album Catechism Kids.

You can download the pdf here:

Long Story Short: Ten Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God by Marty Machowski (year 3 of 3)

This book is scheduled at a pace of one “week,” which is 5 short lessons, per week, throughout Cycles 1, 2 and 3, ending in Week 22 in Cycle 3. This is a whole-family read aloud for all ages of children.

You can download the pdf here:

Prudence and the Millers by Mildred A. Martin

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week from Week 1 through Week 27. This is a great read aloud for the whole family, but possibly most interesting for Form 2 and up.

You can download the pdf here:

Who is God and Can I Really Know Him? by John Hay and David Webb (year 1 of 2)

This book is scheduled over two years: Cycle 3 and Cycle 4. 

This can be used as a whole-family read aloud for Forms 2 and up, or it can be used for independent reading assignments for Forms 3, 4 or 5.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share!