Moms & dads, you’re responsible for your own children at STAR Homeschool events and activities.
Clean up after yourself and your family members.
Keep STAR events peanut free (no peanut butter, peanut snacks, etc.).
Be respectful of the spaces we met in. Also, do not go into spaces that are off limits for our group.
Respect the community’s property. Sometimes we will use art supplies, books, games, etc.. Respect these items.
Students, keep electronic devices put away. Moms, keep electronic devices put away at all times when you are in the classroom.
Dress in modest clothing & do not wear scary or evil graphics on clothing. Wear clothing that is appropriate for your God-given gender.
Do not gossip or stir dissension in the community.
There are some obvious expectations: no smoking on campus or at community activities, no drug use, alcohol use, no sexual activity, no physical affection between students, no cheating or plagiarism, no vandalism, no illegal activity, no assault, no pursuant of a relationship with someone of the same sex, no coarse language.