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On Resting

We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there’s nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all. Most of us would prefer, however, to spend our time doing something that will get immediate results. We don’t want to wait for God to resolve matters in His good time because His idea of ‘good time’ is seldom in sync with ours.
― Oswald Chambers

I’m not very good at resting. I DO things all day long. When my family sits to watch movies, I am always doing something–making a menu, a spreadsheet, writing an email…Something important, of course. I waste very little time in my life, I try to allocate it well. I have a time budget for myself…I don’t always stick to it, but that’s how “organized” I am about my minutes, hours and days…

I feel like the thing God has been teaching me about recently is REST: resting in Him no matter what.

See, I think I know what He wants for my life. I see it so clearly. And I go after it, however I can. I think of everything–who can I talk to in order to make what I perceive to be God’s will happen?

49 days ago my husband and I prayerfully decided we would embark on the journey of adoption again. This is an up and down journey–so much research, praying, deciding. We moved forward with an agency–saw red flags–backed out. Prayed and researched again, found another good agency, a good country, a good program. We applied, and then God put another situation before us. Somebody told me 20 days ago that she had the gift of prophecy and that this situation was God’s plan for our adoption. I don’t know if I believe in her having the gift of prophecy…but it did lead to a little bit of conflicting hope in me….

And see, when I think I know God’s will, whether it be from someone’s word that they deem prophetic, or from other things that I think I see Him doing, I get moving. Alright God, if this is our path, what can I do?!

But maybe it’s not. Maybe I misinterpreted His signs. Maybe the “prophet” was wrong. Maybe He only brought us through this to teach us something.

And maybe, of all things, it’s just to rest in Him.

We started watching a movie last night with our family and finished it this evening. At first I had my laptop out, ready to work on something, just like usual. A particular child wanted to snuggle with me, through most of the movie, both nights. I didn’t get anything done–but I was totally ok with that. This child taught me that just being together, hanging out together, spending time in each other’s presence, was so much more important than anything I could do. 

I want to practice what I learned from this child every day. I just want to snuggle with God and hang out in His presence, and just be at peace there. I don’t have to do anything else, because He’s got me in His arms…Like the child in my arms watching a movie intently, I can rest in His arms and watch the plans He has laid out for us unfold…

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29

“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:

“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
    in quietness and trust is your strength,”

Isaiah 31:15a

Dear Jesus, please help me rest in You and be quiet.

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