This is the independent reading schedule for students in Forms IV, V and VI. Forms IV, V and VI are students in grades 9 through 12. In a smaller community, all Form IV, V & VI students meet together and use the following schedule.
Reading is only part of the learning process. Make sure your Form IV, V or VI student is practicing the following:
- Narration: sometimes spoken and sometimes written
- Studying Maps: look at the locations mentioned in the history books and draw and label maps
- Keeping a timeline, or, book of centuries
And last, students should be discussing these topics with others. This can be with other teens and a tutor in a community, or it can be with mom and/or dad at home.
Do not be tempted to waste time on quizzes, word finds, crossword puzzles with history vocabulary words or other work that might be deemed twaddle. Encourage your child to read these good books, keep a detailed timeline book, draw maps (as beautifully as she can), to write some narration passages about what she learned, and to discuss all of these things.
Growth of the British Empire by M.B. Synge
This is the last book in the Story of the World series by M.B. Synge. This book is scheduled at a pace of three chapters per week for the first two terms (fourteen weeks).
- Heritage History (free)
- Yesterday’s Classics (paperback or ebook)
- Exodus (paperback)
- Amazon (paperback or hardcover)