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Cycle 4 Geography Form 3+

STAR Homeschool Geography Cycle 4

The geography assignments listed here are lined up with the memory work. You may also want to use these resources to look up any locations that were mentioned in your history or literature reading. 

Geography may be studied once per week, or every day, as you explore other subjects.

Teaching Geography

Choose one or more books from this page to read aloud to your children throughout the school year. Please do not attempt to read every book listed on this page. Remember that there are four cycles, and that, eventually, you will come back around to this cycle, and at that time you can choose other books (or, you may choose to re-read some favorites!).

If you have a child who is able to read independently, choose a book from this page and print the reading schedule for your child’s binder of independent work.

Form III

Material World: A Global Family Portrait by Peter Menzel

This is a fun, colorful book that shows the material possessions of people from all over the world. Note that there is some nudity in this book.

This resource is scheduled for all four cycles.

There are readings scheduled in this book for eleven of the twenty-eight weeks.

You can download the pdf here:

National Geographic People of the World

This is a fascinating book with full color photos and long descriptions to read.

There are readings scheduled in this book for twenty of the twenty-eight weeks.

You can download the pdf here:

Pray for the World by Patrick Johnstone

This is a fabulous resource and is used by Form 4 and 5 students for geography. Each section contains a detailed description about how to pray for a country, as well as the country’s statistics and basic information. This book is used the most in cycles 1, 2 and 4.

There are readings scheduled in this book for twenty-two of the twenty-eight weeks.

  • Amazon (paperback or Kindle)

You can download the pdf here:

What I Eat by Peter Menzel

This is a really fun book, with photos of people from all over the world and the food they would eat in a week’s time. My children have stared at this book for hours on end.

This resource is scheduled for all four cycles.

There are readings scheduled in this book for twelve of the twenty-eight weeks. 

You can download the pdf here:

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If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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