There are currently only two reading plans for Form 4 Apologetics, so the reading plans for Cycles 1 and 3 are the same, and so are the plans for Cycles 2 and 4, with one exception: the topics in Fearless Apologetics. The apologetics reading schedules really take every Form through the same apologetics question at the same time, but using books at their own level. Fearless Apologetics is the core text that Form 4 and 5 students will use every year to get through these topics.
Students will come across a topic more than once over their education, but they will use different resources, and the hope is that their own brain would begin to make some beautiful connections.
Scroll down to see the list of books, and download the pdf for the reading schedule.
Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis
This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms.
The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.
This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.
The Grace and Truth Paradox: Responding with Christlike Balance by Randy Alcorn
This short book is scheduled at a pace of two chapters per week for weeks 1 through 5.
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
This is book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week, starting in Week 6 and ending in Week 17.
Follow Me by David Platt
This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week during weeks 18 through 27.