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Cycle 3 Science & Nature: Nature Projects

STAR Homeschool Science and Nature Cycle 3

Nature Projects Form 1+

Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots by Sharon Lovejoy

This book is scheduled for Terms 3 and 4 and is spread over all four cycles. I chose Terms 3 and 4 because, if you begin school in late Summer or early Fall (with Term 1), the gardening activities in this book will make most sense in Terms 3 and 4.

You can download the pdf here:

Nature Projects Form 2+

1000 Hours Outside by Ginny Yurich

This book is scheduled over all four cycles and by season. I have made an assumption that families will begin with Term 1 in late summer and end Term 4 in Spring/Early Summer. If you are beginning school at another time of the year, you will want to use this book differently, to line up with the season you are in.

You can download the pdf here:

Nature Projects Form 3+

The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling by John Muir Laws

This book is scheduled over all four cycles, so that students will learn little bits of nature drawing and journaling techniques at a time, over four years. There are pages to read, which are in the beginning of the book, and those are scheduled from Term 1 through Week 16 in Term 3. Then, there are drawing or painting or coloring exercises, and those are scheduled each week throughout the school year. This book is first scheduled in Cycle 1 and goes through Cycle 4, but you can jump in anytime.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Bible Reading Plan A

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Bible

This Bible reading plan will take you through the whole Bible in four years; reading just one chapter per day. This is a doable plan for a family! Start reading in any Cycle, and go through all four cycles.

Cycle 3 Bible Reading

During Cycle 3, you will read the following Bible books and passages:

School Days

  • Leviticus
  • Psalms 76, 77, 80-84, 87-106
  • 1 Kings
  • Galatians
  • Ephesians
  • 2 Kings
  • Philippians
  • Luke


  • Nahum
  • Psalms 72-75, 78, 79, 85, 86, 107-109
  • Habakkuk
  • Numbers
  • Zephaniah


During breaks from school, follow this plan in order to get through the entire Bible in four years:

  • Ezekiel
  • Proverbs
  • Psalms 50-103
  • Song of Solomon
  • 1 John
  • 2 John
  • 3 John
  • Jude
  • Lamentations
  • James
  • 1 Peter
  • 2 Peter
  • Titus

For Bible, you will need the following resources:

  • A Bible of your choice

And some optional resources you might consider are:

  • A Children’s Bible

You can download the Cycle 3 Bible Reading Plan A pdf here:

You can download the Cycle 3 Bible Reading Plan for Breaks here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!
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Cycle 3 Apologetics & Worldview Form 5

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Students in our Form 5 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

Scroll down to see the list of books and download the attached individual reading schedules in PDF format as well as a reading schedule that includes all of the books.

Schedule 1:

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

You can download the pdf here:

Schedule 2:

Knowing God by J.I. Packer

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week for twenty-two weeks.

  • Amazon paperback, hardcover or Kindle

The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Survive in a Post-Christian Culture? by Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

This book is scheduled at a pace of two chapters per week from Week 23 through Week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Apologetics and Worldview Form 4+

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Students in our Form 4 classes at STAR read all of the following books, and so they receive a reading plan with each resource below listed on it. You may choose to have your student read all of the following books, or you may choose individual books from this list.

There are currently only two reading plans for Form 4 Apologetics, so the reading plans for Cycles 1 and 3 are the same, and so are the plans for Cycles 2 and 4, with one exception: the topics in Fearless Apologetics. The apologetics reading schedules really take every Form through the same apologetics question at the same time, but using books at their own level. Fearless Apologetics is the core text that Form 4 and 5 students will use every year to get through these topics. 

Students will come across a topic more than once over their education, but they will use different resources, and the hope is that their own brain would begin to make some beautiful connections.

Scroll down to see the list of books, and download the pdf for the reading schedule.

Fearless Apologetics by Chap Bettis

This is a great resource for the whole family and is a required resource for Form 4 and 5 students at STAR and will be used each year for these Forms. 

The book contains apologetics topics and questions, and then resources and Scripture references for each question. There is a different set of questions from this book for every cycle.

This reading schedule is for the 2022 edition and will be updated if a new version is printed.

More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week for the first thirteen weeks.

A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George OR A Young Man After God’s Own Heart by Jim George

These books are scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week, beginning in week 15 and ending week 28.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Apologetics and Worldview, Forms 1, 2 and 3, or, Whole Family

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Apologetics

Besides Bible, Apologetics is the most important subject we study.

Forms 1, 2, and 3 Read Aloud:

The Ology by Marty Machowski

This is the book that we read aloud during Cycle 3 to Form 1, 2 and 3 students at STAR Homeschool Community throughout the school year.

This is a lovely devotional book that can really be read aloud to the whole family and discussed with each child at their own level.

“At Home” Readings for families who participate in a community

Note that the “At Home” readings on this pdf do not include the entire book, because some of the lessons are read in community. If you would like to read through the whole book, read one extra lesson per week.

You can download the pdf here:

“At Home” and “In Class” Readings

This schedule includes all of the readings. If you do not participate in a community, you can simply go through all of these assignments at home.

You can download the pdf here:

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism by Starr Meade (year 3 of 4)

This book is scheduled over all four cycles and finishes up in Cycle 4, in Week 23. You can really jump in to this book at any time. Each week is focused on of of the Shorter Catechism questions. There are readings each day of the week that go along with the questions.

This is a great read aloud for Form 2 and up.

I am a big fan of using music for memory work (see the Bible Memory project on this site!), and I recommend using some music to memorize these catechism questions. Try Holly Dutton’s work, Brian Sauve’s albums, or Colin Buchanan’s album Catechism Kids.

You can download the pdf here:

Long Story Short: Ten Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God by Marty Machowski (year 3 of 3)

This book is scheduled at a pace of one “week,” which is 5 short lessons, per week, throughout Cycles 1, 2 and 3, ending in Week 22 in Cycle 3. This is a whole-family read aloud for all ages of children.

You can download the pdf here:

Prudence and the Millers by Mildred A. Martin

This book is scheduled at a pace of one chapter per week from Week 1 through Week 27. This is a great read aloud for the whole family, but possibly most interesting for Form 2 and up.

You can download the pdf here:

Who is God and Can I Really Know Him? by John Hay and David Webb (year 1 of 2)

This book is scheduled over two years: Cycle 3 and Cycle 4. 

This can be used as a whole-family read aloud for Forms 2 and up, or it can be used for independent reading assignments for Forms 3, 4 or 5.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share!

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Cycle 3 Habit Training: Character

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Habit Training

Habit training involves life skills and character training. Some of the books and concepts will overlap, because these subjects, like so much of life, are interconnected.

Character Training Books 

A Child’s Book of Character Building: Growing Up in God’s World – At Home, at School, at Play, Book 2 by Ron Coriell and Rebekah Coriell

This book is used in Cycles 3 and 4, and book 1 is used in Cycles 1 and 2. These are simple and short lessons, and particularly good for students in Forms 1 and 2. There are four lessons to read aloud per character trait, and one lesson for parents. Since each character trait is studied for seven weeks (a full term), this means that there are lessons assigned to read from this book for four out of seven weeks of the term.

You can download the pdf here:

Laying Down the Rails for Children: A Habit-Training Companion by Lanaya Gore

This is an excellent resource from Simply Charlotte Mason, and can be used throughout your children’s education. Each GLC cycle references this book. There are two lessons scheduled each week, and there are lessons scheduled for six or seven weeks of each term, depending on the character trait. You may also want to own a copy of the version for moms, called Laying Down the Rails, as well.

You can download the pdf here:

Resources from Doorposts:

The resources listed below, from Doorposts, are worth owning! They contain Scripture and stories for so many character traits that you will want your child to “put on” and “put off.” Polished Cornerstones is specifically for daughters, Plants Grown Up is for sons, and For Instructions in Righteousness is for the whole family, and is scheduled the most in these reading plans. In fact, if you plan to go through the four cycles, you will find yourself using these resources every year. 

Polished Cornerstones: Projects for Daughters on the Path to Womanhood by Pam Forster

There are one to four lessons per term scheduled in this book.

You can download the pdf here:

Plants Grown Up: Projects for Sons on the Road to Manhood by Pam Forster

There are one to seven lessons per term scheduled in this book (except there are no lessons in this book during Term 1).

You can download the pdf here:

For Instruction in Righteousness by Pam Forster

There are two pages of reading each week for six or seven weeks of every term, as well as verses to memorize.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Bible Reading Plan B

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Bible

For Bible, you will need the following resources:

  • A Bible of your choice

And some optional resources you might consider are:


You can go through the Bible in one, two, four, or eight years with this reading plan.

There are four seven-week terms in a year, and each term’s reading can be seen below. You may also download a pdf of all four terms. If you would like daily reading plans, please see the store for the current cycle’s subscription.

Bible is scheduled by the week and can be divided into as many days of the week as you’d like to spend on it. Feel free to catch up, read ahead, or read something different on the remaining days of the week.

You can download the Cycle 3 Bible Reading Plan pdf here:

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Cycle 3 History Form 2+

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 History

Form II includes students who are ages 9 to 12. The following books can be read aloud to the whole family or read independently by a student who is able.

American History Stories Volume I by Mara L. Pratt


American History Stories Volume II by Mara L. Pratt


American History Stories Volume III by Mara L. Pratt

Lined Up with Memory Work

 These three volumes are scheduled over twenty eight weeks at a rate of four or five chapters per week. Chapters range from two to ten pages each. Samples can be seen on the Yesterdays’ Classics website.

Volume I

Volume II

Volume III

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that is lined up to the memory work here:

America: Our Stories by Lorene Lambert

Christian Worldview

Lined Up with Memory Work

This book from Simply Charlotte Mason is lovely, and there is a second volume that lines up with the Cycle 4 time period. This book was written with a clear Christian Worldview. The chapters in this book contain approximately seven to ten pages. The cover-to-cover reading schedule includes one to two chapters per week over all twenty-eight weeks. For reading that is lined up to the memory work, there is reading scheduled for weeks 3, 5, 12, 19, 22 and 27.

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that is lined up to the memory work here:

A First Book in American History by Edward Eggleston

Lined Up with Memory Work

Eggleston was a Methodist minister, but his books do not mention much about God, and there is no mention of Jesus. This book has interesting stories about real people and contains black and while pictures. Each chapter is about six to eight pages. For cover-to-cover reading, this book is scheduled weekly, each term, with one to two chapters of reading per week. The last few chapters give a preview of some of the events that we will learn about in Cycle 4. For reading that is lined up to the memory work, there is reading scheduled for weeks 3, 5, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 27. A sample of this book is available on the Yesterday’s Classics website.

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that is lined up with the memory work here:

George Washington’s World by Genevieve Foster

Includes World History

Genevieve Foster’s writing is beautiful and interesting! This book is scheduled in two ways-reading it cover-to-cover over twenty-eight weeks, or to read the book cover-to-cover over weeks fourteen to twenty-eight, after spending fourteen weeks in another one of Foster’s books; The World of Captain John Smith. If you are reading the book over the entire year, you will be reading approximately eleven or twelve pages per week. If you choose to read the book in fourteen weeks, you will be reading approximately twenty-two to twenty-four pages per week. Note that this book, as well as The World of Captain John Smith, and another book by Genevieve Foster, The Year of the Horseless Carriage are all scheduled for Form 4 independent reading.

You can download the pdf here:

The Light & the Glory for Young Readers by Peter Marshall & David Manuel

Christian Worldview

This is the first book in a series of three books by Peter Marshall. This will be read at a pace of two chapters per week (approximately twenty pages) during Term 1 and finished off the first week of Term 2. This is a great read aloud and also good for students in Form 3 to read independently.   

You can download the pdf here:

From Sea to Shining Sea for Young Readers by Peter Marshall & David Manuel

Christian Worldview

This is the second book in a series of three books by Peter Marshall. This will be read at a pace of two chapters per week (approximately twenty pages) during most of Term 2 and for two weeks of Term 3. This is a great read aloud and also good for students in Form 3 to read independently

You can download the pdf here:

Sounding Forth the Trumpet for Young Readers by Peter Marshall & David Manuel

Christian Worldview

This is the third book in a series of three books by Peter Marshall. This will be read at a pace of two chapters per week (approximately twenty pages) during Terms 3 and 4. This is a great read aloud and also good for students in Form 3 to read independently.

You can download the pdf here

The Mystery of History Volume III by Linda Lacour Hobar

and, optionally;

The Mystery of History Volume IV by Linda Lacour Hobar

Christian Worldview

Includes World History

Lined Up with Memory Work

The Mystery of History books check all the boxes. The pages are also smooth and glossy and there are lots of interesting and colorful pictures. The size of the book is like a textbook–but don’t let that fool you! This book is filled with fascinating stories of people who really lived and events that really happened.

There are three ways this book has been scheduled in the syllabus: cover-to-cover reading of Volume III, reading part of Volume III and Volume IV, and reading selections that are lined up to the memory work. For cover-to-cover reading, there are three lessons scheduled every week, in Terms 1-4. In fact, this book was designed to be read over 28-weeks. It’s like it was made for the 28-week GLC cycle! (Note: I believe that a 28-week school year is so much more doable than anything longer!). The volume III book does begin a little earlier than our 1550-1850 timeline for Cycle 3 (and, therefore, covers several topics that are scheduled in Cycle 2), but it isn’t wasted reading.

Lessons are typically around four to seven pages total. The amount of reading, with three lessons per week, may be too much for children in Form 1. I recommend looking at the reading schedule that is lined up with the memory work for that age, or if you simply do not have much time for reading aloud.

If you would prefer to read only topics that fit into the 1550-1850 timeline that the Cycle 3 memory work covers, you will want to read part of volume III and part of volume IV. I have provided that schedule, as well, and volume III is read in Terms 1, 2 and part of 3 and volume IV is read in part of Term 3 and each week in Term 4.

For reading that is lined up to the memory work, there is reading scheduled for weeks 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 15 in volume III and in weeks 3, 11, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27. 

Volume III

You can download the pdf here:

Volume IV

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that is lined up to the memory work here:

Our Island Story by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall

Includes World History

Our Island Story, or, An Island Story mixes folktale with real history and tells the story of England from the Roman Empire to the time period just after World War I.

This book is scheduled at a pace of one to two chapters per week, beginning at chapter 67 and ending at chapter 101. This book is also read during Cycle 2 and Cycle 4.

You can download the pdf here:

Stories of the Nations Vol. 1 by Lorene Lambert and Sonya Shafer

Christian Worldview

Includes World History

Lined Up with Memory Work

This is an excellent Charlotte Mason-style book to read alongside America: Our Stories, in order to go through some American history and some world history all at one time. There are twenty-eight chapters in this book, which means that if you read this book cover-to-cover, you will read one chapter per week. Chapters are typically four to six pages. For reading that is lined up to the memory work, there is reading scheduled for weeks 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20 and 23. 

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that lines up to the memory work here:

The Story of the World Volume 3 by Susan Wise Bauer

Includes World History

Lined Up with Memory Work

The Story of the World is a series of books by Susan Wise Bauer are a three volume set, spanning perfectly over the four Claritas Publishing cycles. Chapters are 6 to 11 pages long and there are one to two chapters scheduled each week. These stories are brief and interesting. Chapters contain two stories. For reading that is lined up to the memory work, there is reading scheduled for weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27 and 28. 

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that is lined up to the memory work here:


This Country of Ours by H.E. Marshall

Christian Worldview

Lined Up with Memory Work

This is a classic book and was originally published in 1917. Since Cycle 3’s history ends in 1850, the majority of this book is a perfect choice for Cycle 3. This is also an excellent fit with the Cycle 3 geography, because there are chapters dedicated to the founding of the earliest states. If you plan to purchase this book, make sure to examine whether it is a full book or if it is a particular volume (a partial version of the book). You will want a copy of this book that, at minimum, contains chapters 13 through 77. 

For cover-to-cover reading, this book has one or two chapters per week scheduled for Terms 1 and 2. The book begins in chapter 13 because chapters 1-12 are scheduled in Cycle 2. The scheduled readings end with chapter 77 out of 99 chapters, because the final chapters fit best with the time period studied in Cycle 4. There are two or three chapters scheduled each week. Each chapter contains six to twelve pages. For reading that is lined up to the memory work, there is reading scheduled for weeks 3, 9, 12, 19, 22 and 28. A sample can be found on the Yesterday’s Classics website.

You can download the pdf here:

You can download the schedule that is lined up with the memory work here:

The World of William Penn by Genevieve Foster

Includes World History

This is another one of Genevieve Foster’s excellent history books. Note that this is scheduled for Form 5 to read in Cycle 3, as well. For Forms 1, 2 and 3, this book is scheduled at a pace of about thirteen pages per week during Terms 3 and 4.

You can download the pdf here:

The Year of the Horseless Carriage by Genevieve Foster

Includes World History 

This short book is a great introduction to Genevieve Foster’s writing. It is only scheduled during Term 4, because the time period covered in this book begins in 1801.There are two chapters scheduled per week, and each chapter is approximately five to ten pages. If you would like to read a book that covers Terms 1, 2 and 3 and leaves an opening in Term 4 for this book, consider  The Story of the Thirteen Colonies. Note that this book, and The World of Captain John Smith, and George Washington’s World are all scheduled for Form 4 independent reading, as well.

You can download the pdf here:

The World’s Story 3: The Modern Age by Angela O’dell

Christian Worldview

Includes World History

This book is published by Master Books and contains a Christian worldview. The stories are interesting and there are large, colorful pictures throughout the book. The chapters are typically twelve to fifteen pages long. I have heard feedback that families with children in Form 1 struggled to get through so many pages with their young child(ren). This would be a great independent reader for a student in Form 3. There is an optional Teacher Guide, but if you are teaching Charlotte Mason-style, I do not believe you will need this additional book. Instead, read the book aloud or hand this book to your child, and then ask the child to narrate. If you want to stick within the exact history cycle of the Claritas Publishing memory work, you will only want to read to chapter 14 in this book, as it quickly moves on to the 20th century, and Cycle 3 stops at 1850 (The California Gold Rush). I have scheduled this book at a pace of one chapter, every two weeks, over the twenty-eight week school year. The remainder of this book is scheduled in Cycle 4.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Hymns to Sing and Study

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Hymns to Sing and Study

Hymns to Sing

We sing hymns at STAR Homeschool Community every week. You can also sing hymns at home! In our home, we sing two hymns per day. If we sing all of these hymns over the four cycles of the STAR curriculum, our family will learn more than one hundred hymns. Little by little, it adds up!

Hymns to Sing at Home

This is the list of hymns to be sung at home during this cycle, and a schedule of which hymns to sing each week is below (the PDF).

  1. I Will Sing of My Redeemer
  2. Jesus Shall Reign
  3. Be Thou My Vision
  4. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
  5. Rock of Ages
  6. Blest Be the Tie That Binds
  7. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
  8. I Surrender All
  9. Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus
  10. We’re Marching to Zion
  11. Angels We Have Heard on High
  12. Away in a Manger
  13. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
  14. I Need Thee Every Hour
  15. O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
  16. More Love to Thee
  17. Breathe On Me Breath of God
  18. Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
  19. And Can it Be?
  20. My Hope Has Found a Resting Place
  21. There is a Fountain
  22. O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go
  23. Christ the Lord is Risen Today
  24. Sacred Head, Now Wounded
  25. Praise the Savior
  26. O Worship the King, All Glorious Above
  27. All Things Bright and Beautiful
  28. Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

Download the syllabus and sing hymns with your children as many days of the week as you are able. 

You can download the pdf here:

I have also scheduled two hymns per week for twenty eight weeks for singing in a community.

You can download the pdf here:

Hymns to Study

If you would also like to study hymns, you will want to purchase one or more of the following books and download the attached PDF. There is one hymn per week scheduled, with page numbers in several books.

Choose from the following books. My very favorite hymn books are the Hymns for a Kid’s Heart books by Joni Eareckson Tada. They are out of print now, but well worth it if you can find a copy!

Amazing Grace: 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories for Daily Devotions by Kenneth W. Osbeck

There are readings assigned in this book for twenty-six of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Be Still, My Soul: The Inspiring Stories behind 175 of the Most-Loved Hymns by Randy Peterson

There are readings assigned in this book for twenty-five of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

101 Hymn Stories by Kenneth W. Osbeck

There are readings assigned in this book for nine of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

101 More Hymn Stories by Kenneth W. Osbeck

There are readings assigned in this book for six of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Our Hymns, Our Heritage by David Leeman

There are readings assigned in this book for seventeen of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Then Sings My Soul by Robert J. Morgan

There are readings assigned in this book for nineteen of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Hymns for a Kid’s Heart vol 2 by Joni Eareckson Tada and Bobbie Wolgemuth

There are readings assigned in this book for one of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle. This is one of my favorite hymn study books for children.

Hymns for a Kid’s Heart vol 3 by Joni Eareckson Tada and Bobbie Wolgemuth**

There are readings assigned in this book for four of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle. This is one of my favorite hymn study books for children.

Passion Hymns for a Kid’s Heart (Hymns for a Kid’s Heart vol. 4 by Bobbie Wolgemuth and Joni Eareckson Tada

There are readings assigned in this book for one of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle. This is one of my favorite hymn study books for children.

 O Worship the King by John MacArthur and Joni Eareckson Tada

There are readings assigned in this book for six of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Heritage Hymns Vol. 1

There is a reading assigned in this book for one of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Heritage Hymns Vol. 2

There is a reading assigned in this book for one of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Still Singing: Hymn Stories for Every Season

There is a reading assigned in this book for five of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle. This hymn book comes with a tin whistle to learn the hymns.

Singing the Great Hymns (Simply Charlotte Mason)

There is a reading assigned in this book for five of the twenty-eight hymns in this cycle.

Mr. Pipes and the British Hymn Makers by Douglas Bond

This book is scheduled at a pace of about nine chapters per week for twenty-five weeks.

You can download the pdf here:

Note, links on this page are affiliate links, in which I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting the work I do!

If you have book suggestions or comments about these books, please share! 🙂

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Cycle 3 Enrichment

STAR Homeschool Cycle 3 Enrichment

Enrichment consists of the following subjects:

  • Composer
  • Poet
  • Artist
  • Handicrafts

The Cycle 3 Composers are:

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach
  2. Ludwig Beethoven
  3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  4. Robert Schumann

The Cycle 3 Poets are:

  1. Phillis Wheatley
  2. Emily Dickinson
  3. William Blake
  4. Robert Frost
  5. Robert Louis Stevenson (Form 1, all year)

The Cycle 3 Artists are:

  1. Claude Monet
  2. John James Audubon
  3. Rembrandt
  4. Pierre-Auguste Renoir

The Cycle 3 Handicrafts are:

  1. Ceramics
  2. Chalk Drawing
  3. Knitting
  4. Loom Weaving
  5. Photography
  6. Picture Framing
  7. Hand Stitching
  8. Sewing with a Machine

You can download the pdf here: