
Note, four sites have been merged here: The Well Fed Homestead, STAR Homeschool, The Gentle Learning Company, and The Adoptive Mom. Welcome!


Hi, I’m Brenda! I have a couple of big passions that you need to know about:

  • JESUS CHRIST and the saving work He did for me and you on the cross, so that we don’t have to work to be perfect, to know God or to live with Him for eternity. I think God’s Word is the MOST important book, and that memorizing Scripture is extremely beneficial. Because of that, I’ve created Scripture Memory and Hymn study pages on this site. Enjoy!!
  • HOMESCHOOLING: I became a homeschool mom when our oldest son, Isaac, was two and spent long days in the hospital. I didn’t want him watching cartoons all day, so I homeschooled. Isaac is twenty-three now. I have tried many types of homeschooling over the years, and I have taught at and helped lead homeschool communities over the years. In 2022, I started STAR Homeschool community in Lynchburg, VA. I love Charlotte Mason’s philosophies, and I have created homeschool reading plans with a four-cycle approach, for whole-family learning, that you can find for free on this site! I speak at homeschool conferences and I write on this blog because I love the homeschool life and I am passionate about building up, encouraging, and providing resources for homeschool moms (HEROS!).
  • REAL FOOD: because it can nourish, energize, heal and restore the human body so that we can live the life we were created to live. I went through a year-long nutrition program through Nutritional Therapy Association. I have written a lot about real food on this site, because I think that feeding our bodies well is super important.
  • ADOPTION AND FOSTER CARE: an amazing and also difficult ministry that my husband and I have been called to participate in. Four out of six of our children came to our family through the miracle of adoption. We have cared for eleven children who weren’t ours to keep. We have gone through the joys and stresses of adding children to our family, and then the grief of saying goodbye. After getting so many questions about how to adopt, I decided to write a book about it. My book is titled: Adoption: your questions answered.

We live in Lynchburg, Virginia. We haven’t always lived in Lynchburg, but this is HOME. We moved here from Oregon in January 2020. We praise God that He led us out of there when He did! Most of my extended family also left Oregon—a total of sixty-five people. Many of them ended up in Tennessee, but God had been paving a path for our family to move to Lynchburg, and at that time, He closed the doors for us moving to Tennessee. We LOVE Lynchburg, and we LOVE our family. We pray that someday, in God’s good timing, we can move to East Tennessee, where those family members landed in 2019-2020.

We are road trippers. No, really. In 2004, we went across the country (from Oregon to New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, etc.) with a mini van, a tent trailer, and our three sons, who were 3, 2, and 1 at the time. In 2008, we drove around the state of California and checked out every beach with our four kids, for a month, in a suburban with a Mallard travel trailer. We took a ten-year break from major road trips while we farmed and cared for multiple children–then, in 2018, we took an epic cross country road trip for a month in a Jayco Bunkhouse class C motorhome, with five kids. We are praying about and planning for another epic cross-country trip, from Virginia to Oregon, this time, in the summer of 2025. Stay tuned!!!

You’ll see Farming and GAPS Diet posts scattered throughout this site. Here’s why:

  1. We were FARMERS on roughly 30 acres for a few years, in Oregon. We also fostered four kids and raised them with our two bio and two adopted children on the farm. After more than a year with us, the foster kids left and all of us were an emotional wreck. Nothing seemed to go right for us anymore. We felt like jugglers, only–we were dropping every ball. Our farm was in debt, we weren’t making the money our carefully pencilled out plan said we’d make, and we didn’t feel like we had enough time to invest in our family. We went through a season without homesteading, living on neighborhood lots for seven years, and then guess what? God opened the door for us to buy some land again! We now have an 8-acre farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We are so grateful.
  2. Our family was on the GAPS DIET for 3 years of our life. I think the GAPS Diet is an AMAZING diet and it brought tremendous healing to our family. I created a ton of GAPS Diet recipes and meal plans, and you can find them on this site.

Blessings to you!


 p.s. You might want to come hang out with me on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Substack and Pinterest.


15 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Brenda

    I wanted to let you know that you have totally inspired me to start GAPS with my family. I have been putting it off for a while as it always seem so daunting but after reading how you are doing it with your 8 children and I only have 2, well I thought if you can do it with 8 than I can certainly start with only 2.

    Thanks again.


  2. Brenda,
    It brought tears to my eyes to hear your story of sickness and then finding the GAPs diet. I started to have pain in many places, swelling in my ear with ringing, and terrible fatigue. I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia, auto immune disease of some variety, auto immune thyroid, tmj, etc. I was doing a little better with a pretty healthy diet and mostly gluten free, but then 6 weeks ago, I got terribly sick with severe abdominal pain, diarreah, etc. The doctors have checked a lot of things, but are currently waiting for results from a celiac test. I was so discouraged on Friday, I couldn’t even believe that God was going to help me. Friday evening, a friend told me about the GAPs diet and I knew it was an answer from the Lord. I started right away and that night the pain was gone! I still feel week and a little naseous even as I am struggling to eat so much broth! I really need help in how to go forward with this diet! I also home school three kids who need me to regain my energy soon! Thanks for sharing your story and any help you can give!

  3. I just found your blog via cheeseslave. So cool and L-O-V-E your kitchen, the stainless counter tops are the bomb! I am a sahm of four children, we homeschool, and eat real food! I am from the Pacific Northwest. It has been our dream for acreage and mini farm, yet we keep doing other things, like living in an rv in Florida (currently). We’ve moved about 7 times in our 11 years of marriage (intentionally). We’re ready to settle, hopefully back in Spokane, WA. where our sticks and bricks home is. In a development…..thats the only bummer, but it is still quite rural, we’ve got a wheat field directly behind us, and the devlopment is quite new and not filled with houses due to the down economy. Hopefully we can sell someday and move out to the hills. I own Stories Basic country Skills,the Encyclopedia for Country Living by Carla Emery, Nourishing Traditions, and many others like it. I am also what you call a “Prepper”and an avid Ron Paul supporter in ’08 and ’12! Anyway I totally dig your website. My oldest child is 10 and is on the autistic spectrum, so we’ve skimmed through just about every diet there is. SCD has been the most helpful but we are currently doing more of a primal/paleo diet, I should research GAPS more as I really want to add more fermented foods to our diets. I have heard of it over the years but was more into researching other things, chelation therapy, gf/cf/sf/ _f/_f/ (just kidding) diets….etc. Health in general. Looking forward to visiting your blog. There are SO MANY AWESOME BLOGS OUT THERE!!!! I am totally relating to yours though, I LOVE FIESTAWARE TOO (no lead in the glaze!) I only have 2 white FW coffee cups currently though. Bless you for adopting and foster parenting, there are so many here in the USA that need good homes. Take care & Shalom (peace) Hope in Jacksonville, FL.

    • Hope, thanks for stopping by to comment! I hope that your family *can* settle down on land someday soon! It’s a wonderful life! We moved a lot before we found our farm, also. I think RV life (for a short while) sounds fun, too. I think you and I have a lot in common. 🙂

  4. wow. you sound so much like my dreams! lol! I am in the process of trying to get our house up for sale, start GAPS for me and then the whole family (momma needs the energy to serve all!), trying to move to GA, looking for land there, have two kids (one will start homeschooling this fall) and are looking forward to settling down and adopting (I have 3 younger adopted siblings!) I will be following your blog and rejoycing with you in your journey!
    Do you have any tips for starting such a huge diet for a whole family?

  5. Hi! I too have been to Nancy Thomas camp, in fact, I hosted one – I live in Port Angeles WA and am just starting GAPS – I would love to connect with you in private message – is that a possibility?


    Tiffany Sudela – Junker

  6. I just found your page today and am so saddened to hear you are selling your farm. I live in Texas and my husband and I have the same dream to own our own farm…someday. I wanted to make a donation but did not see a place to do it so I purchased a few of your ebooks. Thank you for what you have done and I look forward to reading through more blog posts in the next few days.

  7. God BLESS you! Such big hearts and dreams. Love reading about it! We will be moving next month, onto our future homestead, of almost 100 acres in beautiful Tennessee. It is being lovingly “provided” by my great in-loves, who will live on the land with us. My parents hope to join us too, come Spring. Talk about crazy! We actually all get along that well ;-p Anyway, your blog is a blessing so far..thank you, thank you!
    May God pour His blessings all over your family.

  8. Hello!

    I have visited random pages of your blog before, just through google searches of GAPS recipes. I have now FINALLY gotten to read a bit of your story and blogs posts! Thanks so much for sharing! My husband and I have attempted the GAPS diet on and off for the past 5 months. I say my husband and I, but it is really my husband – I’m pregnant (due in 4 weeks though!) – he has ulcerative colitis, and we have been working to keep him off medication and have healthy bowel movements. It’s been difficult, and in the beginning I didn’t know what I was doing; but now that I am finally reading Dr. Campbell’s book and reading more stories (such as your’s), we are looking forward to really setting this off. At the same time, I’m very excited about your blog because it is our dream to have a homestead, or at least a small scale homestead.

    Thanks for sharing! I’m excited to read more!

  9. Hi Brenda,

    I saw your “Fighting For Access to Local Food: My Interview with an FTCLDF Attorney” article today and thought I’d write to introduce myself and our project- http://eatlocalgrown.com.

    The eatlocalgrown project has two primary missions-

    1) To create awareness about the dangers our food system is facing
    2) To support small local farms and farmers markets that are practicing sustainable agriculture

    I wanted to reach out to see if you would be interested in having us re-publish some of your existing articles on eatLocalGrown.com as a guest author. Some of our guest authors include Dr. Lissa Rankin, Dr. Amy Myers, Dr. Sara Gottfried. Marc David, Danielle Nierenberg and many more.

    We provide full credit on all articles with links back to your site/blog. Guest authors receive a dedicate bio-page where we can also add links to your Supporting Small Farms and Meal Plans.

    Our base is growing pretty fast so I am confident that we can get you some great exposure. We currently have over 500,000 Facebook and Twitter followers.

    To see some examples of how we give you author credit and links here’s some articles we recently published:


    Our ‘About’ page will give you some background on why we started the site and what our goals are: http://eatlocalgrown.com/content/about-us.html

    We’d love to have you on board. Please contact me if you are interested.


    Jessica Davis


    • Sherlene, nope, no spotty oils, if you’re using good quality essential oils. Feel your essential oils, they should absorb into your skin quickly and not leave an oily residue on your skin. That’s one way to test for good oils!


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